On December 1926, Agatha Christie went missing for 11 days. Thousands of police officers were searching and investigating until she was found at the Swan hydropathic hotel in Harrogate Yorkshire. So, what actually happened?
Agatha Christie was married to Archie Christie, who had participated in WWI in 1914. Archie had a mistress, Nancy Neal, so he asked for a divorce, but Agatha refused. This led to multiple quarells between them, days before Agatha's mysterious disappearance.
The queen of mystery left the house in her car, which was found later on, miles away from home. She stayed at the hotel under the name of Theresa Neal, the surname of her husband's mistress. Eventually, a chambermaid at the hotel recognized Agatha's real identity, and called the police. When they found her, Agatha Christie said that she lost her memory, and doesn't even remember why she came here.
Many psychological theories claimed that her sudden disappearance came as a result of a state of despair, depression, and mental illness from the loss of her mother, and her husband's affair.
However, no one actually knew what really happened with Agatha Christie. Her secret mystery remained lost with her forever.